Filip Lipiński, Art historian and Americanist, Ph.D.; works at the Institute of Art History, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. His academic interests concern modern and contemporary art, American art, theory and methodology of art history. He is a recipient of several research grants in the USA and Europe: Fulbright Fellowship at City University of New York (2007-8), Terra Summer Residency Fellowship (2008), Terra Travel Research Grant (2013), JFK Institut Research Grant, Berlin (2019) Kościuszko Foundation Research Grant at University of Southern California/Getty Research Center, Los Angeles (2019). Author of the book Hopper wirtualny. Obrazy w pamiętającym spojrzeniu (2013) [The Virtual Hopper. Images in a Remembering Look] and Ameryka. Rewizje wizualnej mitologii Stanów Zjednoczonych (2021) [America. Revisions of the Visual Mythology of the United States] and numerous academic articles and book chapters on modern and contemporary art and art theory in journals such as Oxford Art Journal, View, Artium Quaestiones, RIHA Journal. Contributor to Hot Art, Cold War anthology (Routledge, 2020). Translator of academic texts, deputy editor-in-chief of Artium Quaestiones yearly.